Learning a language under any
circumstances requires hard work and
concentration. However, the circumstances can
make a difference in both quality and quantity.
Most foreign language students learn in a
classroom, from a text-book. In a classroom,
language learning can be controlled so that all
the necessary structures are taught. Highly
motivated students can thus learn the language
efficiently and quickly. Learning on the streets
and in the markets from experience and need
can be effective although the student learns
only what he happens to need, in a haphazard
Some language students find this real-life
situation more meaningful because the
students' success in fulfilling their needs
depends on their language ability. However,
shop-keepers are more likely to be tolerant of
incorrect grammar than classroom teachers, so
mispronunciations and errors will not matter
much. Nevertheless, the rewards are different
for the type of language learning situations.
They are immediate (goods, bought in a store)
in the real-life but delayed until a quiz or oral
recital for the classroom learner.
The kind of language learnt in each setting differs too. In the classroom, the student is more likely to learn the grammatical language of educated people. The language learnt out of necessity often lacks the fine details of the classroom variety and might include informal expressions such as slang. The people learning on the street must be easily understood. Therefore, they might actually sound more like native speakers - although not necessarily educated people. So a combination of classroom instruction and the experience of using language in the street will result in the best language learning of all.
Study the following statements :
At school one learns the
language of educated people.
Language learnt on the street
includes the use of slang.
(a) is wrong and (b) is right.
Both (a) and (b) are right.
Both (a) and (b) are wrong.
(a) is right and (b) is wrong.
92. Which part of speech is the underlinedword in the following sentence ?
The kind of language learnt in each
setting differs too.
(1) Determiner
(2) Conjunction
(3) Preposition
(4) Pronoun
93. Study the following phrase. Which part of speech is the underlined word ?
'but delayed until a quiz...'
(1) Determiner
(2) Conjunction
(3) Preposition
(4) Pronoun
94. What does the word "motivated' mean in the following phrase ?
'Highly motivated students can thus.....'
- Resourceful
- muddled
- interested
- intelligent
95.'...... in a haphazard way.'
The word 'haphazard' means
(1) unorganized
(2) safe
(3) proper
(4) dangerous
96.The best place to correctly and
quickly learn a foreign language is :
(1) only the market place.
(2) both the classroom and the market place
(3) home
(4) only the classroom.
97. A text-book :
(1) motivates the students
(2) teaches what a student needs.
(3) is an inexpensive tool of learning.
(4) controls language learning.
98.Language needs of real-life situations are fulfilled by :
(1) learning the language structures
(2) learning on the streets.
(3)learning proper pronunciation
(4) studying text-books carefully
99.Which of the following statements is NOT true ?
(1)Real-life situations are more meaningful for language learning.
(2)Classroom learning can be tested
in an oral recital.
(3) Foreign students learn language
mostly from text-books.
(4)Shopkeepers are intolerant of
incorrect pronunciation.
Directions : Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow (Q. Nos. 100 - 105) by selecting the correct/most appropriate options :
Great, wide, beautiful, wonderful world,
With the wonderful water around you curled.
And the wonderful grass upon your breast
World, you are beautifully drest.
The wonderful air is over me,
And the wonderful wind is shaking the tree,
It walks on the water, and whirls the mills,
And talks to itself on the tops of the hills.
You friendly Earth, how far do you go,
With the wheat-fields that nod and the rivers that
With cities and gardens, and cliffs and isles.
And people upon you for thousands of miles ?
Ah ! You are so great and I am so small.
I tremble to think of you, world, at all;
And yet when I said my prayers today.
A whisper inside me seemed to say,
"You are more than the Earth, though you are such
a dot,
You can love and think, and the Earth cannot!"
100. In the extract the poet has compared :
(1) World with the Earth.
(2) World with the air.
(3) the Earth with the air.
(4) Man with the Earth.
101. Mood of the speaker in all of these lines is :
102. The figure of speech used in the first stanza of the extract is :
(1) Synecdoche
(2) Onomatopoeia
(3) Personification
(4) Simile
103. The figure of speech used in the
phrase 'and whirls the mills' is :
(1) Synecdoche
(2) Onomatopoeia
(3) Personification
(4) Simile
104. The beautiful dress worn by the Earth is made of:
(1) gardens and wheat-fields.
(2) water and grass.
(3) mountains and forests.
(4) mills and the hills.
105. The cities, gardens, cliffs and Isles show that the Earth is :
(1) friendly
(2) Small
(3) well populated
(4) huge
106. A teacher divides her class into groups of four and reads out a text of about six sentences. Learners listen to and jot down important words and phrases. The teacher reads out the text the second time. Then learners discuss in groups the jotted down words and recreate the text nearer to the one read out by the teacher. What is this task know as ?
(1) Mutual Dictation
(2) Punctuation Dictation
(3) Real Dictation
(4) Composition Dictation
107. Intensive reading refers to
(1) reading a text for pleasure
(2) reading a text for editing.
(3) reading a text for someone else.
(4) reading a text for detailed
108. Knowing a word means
(1) how the word is spelt.
(2) who speaks the word.
(3) to know to write the word.
(4) how, where and when it is used.
109. Which typology of question does the following question belong to?
Imagine you are the narrator of the
story. Write an entry in your diary
about your experiences in about 100
(1) Inferential question
(2) Cloze question
(3) Extrapolative question
(4) Informative question
110. Poetry teaching is _____.
(1) to learn poetic devices.
(2) for enjoyment and appreciation.
(3) to write a critical commentary.
(4) to learn words and phrases.
111. Learning outcomes aim at
(1) achieving maximum levels of
(2) achieving minimum levels o
(3) ensuring all the competencies ar
acquired by learners
(4) output oriented learning
112. A teacher brings a newspaper to her class VIII students and asks them to find some advertisements. She then asks them to list out how advertisements are designed and what an advertisement contains. What is the newspaper here?
(1) An instrument of language
(2) A technique of language learning.
(3) Materials for language learning.
(4) For reading
113. National Curriculum Framework 2005 assigns 'supplementary' and 'complimentary' roles to English language. This means that
(1) English language teaching has
nothing to do with teaching-
learning of other languages.
(2)English language teaching is a
hindrance to learning of other
(3)English language teaching violates
the mother tongue based language
(4) English language teaching should
support learning of other languages and subjects.
114. A reader uses her prior knowledge, makes semantic cues and syntactic cues then moves to other more specific information. What model of reading the reader here adopts ?
(1) Top down model
(2) Interactive model
(3) Whole language model
(4) Bottom up model
115. Drilling is a teaching-learning
technique or a strategy in_____.
Communicative learning teaching
Lexical approach
Constructivist language teaching
116. Which of the following statements is TRUE of language learning ?
First language supports the
learning of second language.
Language learning has nothing to
do with content learning.
Every language is different and
learning of languages is also discreet.
First language interferes in the
learning of second language.
117. Multilingualism as a resource in education aims at
(1) making learners learn as many
languages as possible.
(2) using classical languages for
(3) enabling to learn English language for jobs and mother tongue for culture
(4) making use of languages of
learners for teaching-learning.
118. A teacher asks her learners to collect words / phrases on various aspects they see and notice in their markets and streets. Later, the learners write the words and phrases according to the category and discuss them in the class. What is this practice known as ?
(1)Genre based words
(2)Active vocabulary
(3)Thematic vocabulary learning
(4)Topic words learning
119. What does CLIL stand for?
(1)Content and Language based
Interesting Learning
(2)Content and Language Integrated
(3)Context for Language Integrated
(4) Content Language Inter Learning
120. Which of the following statements is correct?
(1) Receptive vocabulary are words
we recognize when we hear or see
and productive vocabulary are
words we speak or write.
(2) Receptive vocabulary are words
we discourse with people and
productive vocabulary are words
in written text.
(3) Words from other languages are
receptive vocabulary and words from native languages are productive vocabulary.
(4) Receptive vocabulary are words
we speak and productive vocabulary are words we hear.