Plan name : 921-New MoneyBack(25yrs)
Age Entry : 13-45 yrs
Max Maturity Age : 70 yrs
Policy Term : 25 yrs
PPT : 20 yrs
Sum Assured : 1,00,000-No limit
Sum Assured multiples : 5000
Mode of payment : All
1st year : 4.5%
Subsequent year : 2.25%
Loan : After 2 yrs
Surrender : After 2 yrs
On Death : SA+Bonus+FAB
Sum Assured on death is higher of 125% of Basic Sum Assured or 7 times of Annualized Premium
Death benefit shall not be less than 105% of all the premiums paid
5th,10th,15th,20th yr : 15% of SA
25th yr : 40% of SA+Bonus+FAB
- You have to pay the premium for 20 yrs
(from Age:25 - Age:44)
- If you take the payment mode as yly then you have to pay
Rs.60025 for the first year,from 2nd year onwards Rs.58732
Totally you will pay Rs.1175933
- You will receive the returns as follows:
At Age:30 - Rs.150000
At Age:35 - Rs.150000
At Age:40 - Rs.150000
At Age:45 - Rs.150000
At Age:50 - Rs.1725000
- Natural Risk Cover is Rs.1294000-Rs.2575000 as shown in theabove table......For example
In case of Natural Death at Age-30, Nominee will receive
- Accidental Risk Cover is Rs.2294000-Rs.3575000 as shown in the
above table......For example
In case of Accidental Death at Age-30, Nominee will receive
- If you close the policy you will receive the amount as shown in theabove table under Surrender Column.....For example
if you close at Age-32, you will receive Rs.144941